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学术报告:Innovative Solutions Inspired by Nature
发布时间:2019-04-11        作者:左文杰        编辑:       浏览:

报告题目Innovative Solutions Inspired by Nature

报 告 人 Wan Doo Kim. Distinguished Research Fellow, Department of Nature-Inspired Nano-convergence Systems, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea

报告时间2019418日(周四) 09:00




PhD in Dep. of Mechanical Design, Seoul National University, Korea (1993)

MS in Dep. of Mechanical Design, Seoul National University, Korea (1982)

BSc in Dep. of Mechanical Design, Seoul National University, Korea (1980)


1982. 3 ~ 2019. 2: Distinguished Research Fellow (present) in Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)

2008. 9 ~ 2009. 8: Vice President of KIMM

2007. 10~ 2008. 8: Group Leader of Nature-Inspired Mechanical System


2010. 4 ~2013. 4: Steering Committee Member of National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)

2017. 4 ~ 2019. 4: Sub-committee member of Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology

Academia and Society

2013. 3 ~ present: Invited Professor in University of Science and Technology

2011. 3 ~ 2013. 2: Invited Professor in Seoul National University

2017. 1 ~ 2017. 12: 61th President of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)

2017. 1 ~ 2017. 12: President of the Korean Federation of Mechanical Engineering Societies

2006. 10 ~ Present: Chair of International Symposium of Nature-Inspired Technology

2018. 8: Chair of International Conference of Emerging Technology on Mechanical Engineering

2018. 10: Chair of IBEF (International Blue Economy Forum)

2011. 4 ~ 2011. 6: Visiting Researcher in Kiel University (Germany)

1995. 8 ~ 1996. 8: Visiting Researcher in Purdue University (USA)


Although the wave of the fourth industrial revolution for the realization of the super-connective and super-intelligent society is intensified, unilateral technological development and accelerated industrialization that do not consider the natural environment of the earth accelerate the depletion of energy and resources, environmental destruction and climate change.

It is time to develop a new paradigm of science and technology innovation system to develop into a sustainable future society, to minimize impacts on the global ecosystem and to develop innovative growth industry.

Global problems such as climate change, lack of energy and resources, destruction of ecosystems, environmental pollution (especially micro-plastics) and fine dusts are all over the earth's ecological capacity. It was in the early 1970s that consumption exceeded the earth's ecological capacity for the first time. EOD (earth overshoot day) was pulled a little bit each year and became August 1, 2018.

A term of Nature-inspired technology has a comprehensive meaning rather than bio-inspiration or biomimicry or biomimetics because nature includes non-living matter as well as living matter such as plants and animals. Nature-inspired technology has been a featured future and emerging technologies. This could represent a revolutionary change in our economy by transforming many of the ways we think about designing, producing, transporting, and distributing goods and services.

In this presentation, it will be introduced the nature-inspired innovative technology that can solve the difficulties of science and technology, inspired by the virtuous cycle mechanism of natural ecosystem.  

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